
The 常见的阅读 is BU’s 第一年经验 reading selection. 共同阅读为新生提供了一个可以聊天的共享学术经验,并向他们介绍了我们的校园价值观和使命. 大一新生和他们的BU 101讲师在开学的前几周会阅读这本书,并在整个秋季的FYE活动中有很多机会讨论这本书.


麻烦溪的书女 金·米歇尔·理查森

麻烦溪的穷人们不得不把所有的东西都扔掉——除了书, 这是. Thanks to Roosevelt’s Kentucky Pack Horse Library Project, Troublesome’s got its very own traveling librarian, 邋遢玛丽·卡特.

Cussy不只是一个爱读书的女人, 然而, 她也是最后一个同类了, her skin a shade of blue unlike most anyone else. Not everyone is keen on Cussy’s family or the Library Project, and a Blue is often blamed for any whiff of trouble. If Cussy wants to bring the joy of books to the hill folks, 她将不得不面对像阿巴拉契亚山脉一样古老的偏见和像咆哮一样深刻的怀疑.

灵感来自于肯塔基州真正的蓝皮肤的人以及20世纪30年代勇敢而敬业的肯塔基驮马图书馆服务, 麻烦溪的书女 is a story of raw courage, 激烈的力量, 还有一个女人相信,书可以带我们去任何地方——甚至回家.



《总体规划:我从监狱生活到目标人生的旅程 作者:克里斯·威尔逊


在华盛顿特区长大的克里斯·威尔逊(Chris Wilson)被暴力和绝望所包围. 他看着他的家庭和邻居被创伤击垮,失去了信仰. One night when he was seventeen, defending himself, he killed a man. He was sentenced to life in prison with no hope of parole.

But what should have been the end of his story became the beginning. 在监狱, 威尔逊开始了一段非凡的自我提升之旅——阅读, 锻炼, 学习语言, 甚至是创业. 在19, 他坐下来,把他打算完成的所有事情都列了一张单子, and all the steps he’d have to take to get there. 他称之为“总体规划”. He revised that plan regularly and followed it religiously. 16年后, 这给他带来了一个不太可能的机会——从那以后,他每天都在努力实现这个承诺. Harrowing, heartbreaking, and ultimately triumphant, 总体规划 回忆录是为了这个时刻,证明每个人都有能力做伟大的事情吗.


只是怜悯 布莱恩·史蒂文森

布莱恩·史蒂文森创立“平等司法倡议”时还是一名年轻的律师, 专门为那些最绝望和最需要帮助的人辩护的律师事务所:穷人, 被冤枉的人, 妇女和儿童被困在我们的刑事司法体系的最深处. One of his first cases was that of Walter McMillian, 一个年轻人因为一桩臭名昭著的谋杀案被判处死刑,但他坚称自己没有犯过. The case drew Bryan into a tangle of conspiracy, 政治阴谋, 法律边缘政策——永远改变了他对仁慈和正义的理解.

只是怜悯 is at once an unforgettable account of an idealistic, gifted young lawyer’s coming of age, a moving window into the lives of those he has defended, 这是一个鼓舞人心的论点,即在追求真正正义的过程中同情他人.

卡耐基非虚构类优秀奖章获得者•全国有色人种协进会非虚构类形象奖获得者•美好生活图书奖获得者• 洛杉矶时报 •入围图书奖 这个评论 Prize • An American Library Association Notable Book



遥远的兄弟 劳伦·马卡姆

这是一个被深度报道的双胞胎兄弟逃离萨尔瓦多的暴力,在加利福尼亚开始新生活的故事,他们为生存而战, 待, 和归属.

Growing up in rural El Salvador in the wake of the civil war, 对于同卵双胞胎埃内斯托和劳尔·弗洛雷斯来说,美国是一个遥远的幻想——直到, 十七岁时, 来自该地区野蛮帮派的致命威胁迫使他们逃离他们所知道的唯一的家. In this urgent chronicle of contemporary immigration, 记者劳伦·马卡姆跟随弗洛雷斯双胞胎穿越格兰德河和德克萨斯沙漠, into the hands of immigration authorities, and from there to their estranged older brother in Oakland, CA. 很快,这些无人陪伴的未成年人就会用一种新的语言在学校里畅游, working to pay down their mounting coyote debt, and facing their day in immigration court, 同时也经历了青少年生活的成功和陷阱,只有彼此的支持. With intimate access and a breathtaking range, Markham offers an unforgettable testament to the migrant experience. Named one of the best books of the year by 《纽约时报书评. 瑞登小时图书奖得主,加州图书奖银奖得主,美国 洛杉矶时报 图书奖,J. 安东尼·卢卡斯图书奖,并入围笔/博加德·维尔德传记奖.


Something Must Be Done About Prince Edward County 作者:克里斯汀·格林

结合了有力的调查报道和全面的家庭叙事, 这个发人深省的真实故事揭示了美国历史上鲜为人知的一章:战后时期 布朗诉. 教育委员会 decision when one Virginia school system refused to integrate.

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s unanimous 布朗诉. 教育委员会 decision, Virginia’s Prince Edward County refused to obey the law. 该县并没有废除种族隔离制度,而是关闭了公立学校,锁上了门. The community’s white leaders quickly established a private academy, 从关闭的公立学校征用物资,用在全白人的教室里. 与此同时, black parents had few options: keep their kids at home, 跨县迁移, or send them to live with relatives in other states. For five years, the schools remained closed.

At once gripping, enlightening, and deeply moving, Something Must Be Done About Prince Edward County, 是一部戏剧性的编年史,探讨了我们混乱的种族历史及其对今天的影响吗, and a timeless story about compassion, 宽恕, 以及家的意义.



驾驭风的男孩 by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer

William Kamkwamba出生在马拉维,一个魔法统治的国家,现代科学是个谜. It was also a land withered by drought and hunger. But William had read about windmills, 他梦想着建造一座能给他的小村庄带来只有2%的马拉维人能享受的奢侈品:电和自来水. 他的邻居叫他misala——疯子——但威廉拒绝放弃他的梦想. With a small pile of once-forgotten science textbooks; some scrap metal, 拖拉机零件, and bicycle halves; and an armory of curiosity and determination, 他开始了一项大胆的计划,要制造一个不太可能的装置和小小的奇迹,改变他周围的生活.

驾驭风的男孩 这是一个关于人类创造力及其克服严重逆境的力量的非凡真实故事吗. 它将激励任何怀疑个人改变社区和改善周围人生活的能力的人.





The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks 丽贝卡·斯克鲁特

Her name was Henrietta Lacks, but scientists know her as HeLa. 她是一个贫穷的黑人烟农,1951年,她的细胞在她不知情的情况下被取出,成为医学上最重要的工具之一, vital for developing the polio vaccine, 克隆, 基因图谱, 和更多的. Henrietta’s cells have been bought and sold by the billions, 然而,她实际上仍然不为人知, and her family can’t afford health insurance. 这本《纽约时报》的畅销书讲述了一个关于道德冲突的引人入胜的故事, 比赛, and medicine; of scientific discovery and faith healing; and of a daughter consumed with questions about the mother she never knew.